New SEAB member – Professor Sheila Martins

We would like to welcome Professor Sheila Martins (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and President-Elect, World Stroke Organization) as new members of the Scientific and Ethical Advisory Board (SEAB).

The following renowned experts from the relevant scientific fields of REPO-TRIAL have also agreed to be part of the REPO-TRIAL Scientific and Ethical Advisory Board:

  • Tony Bartlett, Tacit Bio Innovation Limited, United Kingdom
  • Johannes Boltze, Professor of Neuroscience, School of Life Sciences, The University of Warwick, United Kingdom
  • Emre Guney, Dr, CTO, Head of Discovery and Data Science, STALICLA, Spain
  • Thomas Krahn, Professor Dr, Advisor, INVICOL GmbH, Germany
  • Carsten Tschöpe, Professor of Medicine and Cardiology, Vice Director of the Dept. of Cardiology, Charité, Germany

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