Universität Hamburg, Center for Data and Computing in Natural Sciences

Mittelweg 177
20148 Hamburg

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Team Leader

Prof. Dr. Jan Baumbach

Principal Investigator

Leader Work Package 1

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Team Staff

Sepideh Sadegh

PhD Student

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Andreas Maier

PhD Student

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Institute presentation

Universitaet Hamburg is the largest research and educational institution in Northern Germany and one of the largest German Universities with currently more than 40.000 students and more than 650 professors. Located in the heart of the City of Hamburg, it offers an excellent infrastructure. Universitaet Hamburg provides a broad disciplinary spectrum in the following eight faculties: Faculty of Law; Faculty of Business; Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences; Faculty of Medicine; Faculty of Education, Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement; Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences. Scientists from Universitaet Hamburg are involved in more than 170 projects funded by the EU.